Saturday, March 5, 2011


I've been thinking a lot about closure lately. It's been on my mind for a couple weeks, but I just don't know what it really means. says that closure is "a bringing to an end; conclusion." I just don't think that's true. Well I guess it's supposed to be true. But I think there should be something in there about closure not being fair. When it comes to people, closure always hurts someone...or both people. I almost wish closure was really easy. That when you say bye to someone, that's it. I wish it could be a clean break...for lack of a better phrase. Closure, to me, doesn't mean that you stop caring or don't still want the best for them.

"I mean, maybe not all friendships have to be saved. You know,
maybe we're just meant to spend a certain part of our lives with
certain people and then move on." -Dawson's Creek

My grandpa passed away yesterday at around 11am Arizona time. I can't believe that I won't be able to see him when I go home. Even with as much as I've cried, I don't think it's still really hit me yet. He was such an amazing person. He would always be so protective of my grandma. Not because he was controlling, but because he really did care and love her so much. I miss him so much already. Every time that I have a Wendy's frosty, I'll think about him taking us randomly.

Last year, my Grandma and Papa came to NC to visit and see my school. I am so thankful that he was well enough to make that trip last year. I wish he were going to be able to see my sister get married and to see me graduate, but I'm trying to remember that he's watching over me everyday now. I pray that God would give my family peace and strength to keep going right now.

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble." -Psalm 46:1