Friday, July 9, 2010


My sister for the summer, Julia! :)

I think I've maybe expected too much from this summer. I went into the summer excited because I'd be close to friends and I was going to have a job that I was looking forward to. And then I got here. Things have been fun and I've gotten to do so much already. So far this summer, I've been to Chicopee, MA at the beginning of the summer for a day, back home in Yuma for a few days, Dallas, TX, Boston, and now I'm heading to Chicopee again for a weekend of visiting with friends. :) My sister's come up in 18 days to visit and we're going to Boston and NYC too! I'm so glad I've had Kaitlin around this summer cause it's been fun getting to hang out. I would be bored without her! I have a great family that I'm living with and a really sweet 13 year old sister for the summer. It just frustrates me that I should be getting my first internship out of the way and it's more than likely not going to count. But I'm still trying to be optimistic. I know there are other options and that I have time to get my internships done, so I'm trying not to freak out too much. Only 4 more weeks in Connecticut and then I get to go back to school!

I've been reading a lot this summer. I read the last 3 books of the Twilight series and am officially addicted. I loved the movie Eclipse and am ready for the next movie to come out already! I finished reading The 5 Love Languages...and ended up buying the singles edition to read next. And now I've just finished reading Dear John. I forgot how sad the ending is. I don't like when it's not a happy ending...or I guess when the ending doesn't turn out how I want. Overall though, I like Dear John. There were parts I could relate too. One part Savannah is talking about a guy she dated and she says:

"He treats her like she's she
begins to feel special too...even though
she's been warned that the guy isn't as kind
or sensitive as he appears to be..."

I think I've always had this notion that someone would change for me. Even though I know that shouldn't be ideal and I deserve more...I think it's the thought that you mean enough to someone that they would change for me. That they would stay kind and sensitive...or that would keep using that southern charm and not just put on an act for the first few months. I liked when John was talking about Savannah and said this:

"In the silence, I thought about the courage she
had shown, not only that night, but afterward.
Had she not told me, I would never have suspected
anything bad had ever happened to her. I marveled
that despite what happened, she had managed
to hold on to her optimistic view of the world."

I'm doing my best to always stay optimistic. While this summer isn't turning out how I expected and I'm not really working very many hours, I'm getting to travel and see a lot of people that I haven't seen in awhile. I get to go visit my old house this weekend and see people from high school. I'm looking forward to a few more weeks in CT and then heading back...although not thrilled about the 11 hour drive back!

This week I'm keeping this quote in mind:

"Life is all about perspectives. It's like looking at a person's appearance - you can look at the flaws and say it's ugly or look at the better features and say it's beautiful. Life is kinda like that. Life is what you choose to see it as."

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