Sunday, July 4, 2010

Proud to be an American

Today's the 4th of July and it's one of the first times this summer that I've REALLY missed being home, besides my sister Katelyn's high school graduation. 4th of July in Yuma is one of my favorite times. I remember growing up whenever I was in Yuma for the summer, we'd always to the same thing. In the morning we'd go to the flag raising ceremony. Honestly, that was always my least favorite. I hated waking up early in the morning for it. But it was at Kyle's park, so afterwards we'd always go visit his tree and then go to the playground. So that seemed to make things better. Then we'd go to the bike parade. It was just a parade through a neighborhood. Nothing too big. Sometimes we'd get to walk at the end of the parade and that was always fun. Usually we'd go over to my grandma's house afterwards. Maybe eat some watermelon and just wait for the next thing going on. In the afternoon we went to the American Legion. They would always have free hot dogs and soda. Then they had a watermelon eating contest and you could go on train rides around Yuma. My sister, Brittni, always won the watermelon eating contests. I could never do that anymore. I hate watermelon! Then the last adventure of the night would be going out to the fairgrounds. They had a BBQ and then afterwards there were games you could play for free to win chips or popcorn. Then everyone would head to the grandstands for the demolition derby and the fireworks.

My absolute favorite part of the 4th of July, besides the whole meaning behind it, is when they would play the song "Proud to be an American" while doing the fireworks finale. They would light up fireworks in the shape of an American flag and an Arizona flag. It just made the whole day complete.

This 4th of July hasn't really felt complete for me. I miss my family a lot! I want so much to be celebrating with them and enjoying every part of the Yuma tradition. I feel like I've missed out on so much this year.

My little sister, Katelyn, is growing up way too fast! I missed watching her in the Miss Yuma County Pageant...where she got 4th runner up. Pretty amazing. And she looked gorgeous. Watching the DVD just didn't feel like it was enough. Then I didn't get to see her show her veal in the Yuma County Fair...where she got Grand Champion Showman. Another amazing accomplishment. And maybe worst of all, I didn't get to see her graduate from high school. She's growing up to be such an incredible person and I know she's going to do great things.

While I've missed so much, I've been given so much more. I am really trying to trust God more in my life. Moving to the east coast has been the best thing and I don't regret it one bit. I know that I'm so lucky to be at Methodist and really love it there! I've met some great people and I'm really looking forward to the next year. My roommates are awesome and so much fun! And I get to be an RA which I'm looking forward to. Plus I'll finally have more business and accounting classes which is so much better. All in all, while I really miss a lot about Arizona, I'm glad to be where I am and looking forward to getting back to North Carolina soon!

Happy 4th of July!!

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